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The Aroma

We believe great things are going to happen.

God is constantly growing us — and often through means that are already there. We’re currently experiencing this through our pursuit to know God’s desire for our Ximen cafe. We closed the cafe mid-September to reexamine our vision, values, and strategy, and dedicated this time as being an internal review. At the end of one month, we felt the cafe was still a viable strategy that lined up with our vision and values; but, we weren’t ready to open again. We didn’t have the right manager, the needed expertise, or the necessary finances. Since then, we’ve asked for prayer while seeking help in the meantime. We did hire some people and tried to make it work, but hadn’t found the solution yet. Within the last couple of weeks, however, it seems God has opened a path for something — or someone — right under our noses.

For a while, our long-time Aroman Sarah Mabee has been having visions of the cafe reopening. And with that, all of the pieces seem to be falling into place. She has been with us since 2009, so she really gets Aroma’s objective. She finished her Master of Business Administration in organizational development two years ago. Plus, she is extremely passionate about God using our Ximen space to help people smell, become, and spread the aroma of Christ.

Here’s what Sarah said in a recent message to some partners:

To reopen the cafe in Ximen, or not. That is the question we have been pondering and praying over for the past several months. In September, right after I left for Home Assignment, the Aroma team made the decision to close the Ximen Aroma Cafe in order to spend some time doing an internal review and seeking God on His plans for that cafe. Originally only planning to close for one-to-three months, the cafe is still currently closed. But this may change soon! Please be praying hard with us as we make critical decisions about the cafe, and other ministries that we are considering. Please pray that we will be filled with abundant wisdom (James 1:5). Pray that we will be unified in one mind and one spirit as we make these decisions (Phil. 1:27). And pray that we will be like Joshua and Moses in the wilderness, with their eyes on the cloud and the pillar of fire, sticking closely to the path that God laid out for them. Pray that, like Joshua, we will be in the tent, seeking the face of Jesus. Pray that we will see the Promised Land, and that many, many, MANY Taiwanese will enter into the Eternal Promised Land with us! We believe strongly that the cafe is one of the best ways we can reach out to those around us who do not know Jesus yet! Pray that we will be able to share the Gospel with many people in Taiwan as we serve coffee!

Sometimes, just the thing you need is right there! In fact, God says He’s already given us “everything we need for life and godliness” (1 Peter 1:3).

Perhaps the very thing you yourself are looking for can be found within the community, experiences, and passions you already have. Try it out! Make a move! We believe great things are going to happen.

-Sarah Mabee

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