Luke 11:9-10 says “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”(NIV) On Tuesday morning we meet together as staff to pray over the week and to spiritually encourage one another. Each week, we take turns leading our prayer time. This past week, Andrew shared this passage with our team. He shared that we have a good, good Father that is so very willing to provide all that we need. He is the Father that wants to give us good gifts. While He wants to provide the gifts that we ask for, He also wants us to take some time to be still and ask Him what kinds of gifts that He would like to give us, to listen to what He wants to say to us. The gifts He wants to give us are so much better than what we would ask for.
That morning before prayer, Angela was praying and asking God how to live out Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (NIV) Immediately God provided a friend who bought a plane ticket for her to attend her friend’s wedding. She said if God is so concerned with the small things such as getting to attend a friend’s wedding, why do we doubt He will provide the big things? Of course He will provide the new apartment that we need, the healing that we need, the wisdom and the strength that we need. During the prayer meeting, Angela shared this testimony with us and encouraged us to have faith that God can give us all that we ask for. But it is important for us to seek God’s kingdom and His will first. At the end of the prayer meeting, she asked us to cry out in faith together. Not 5 minutes after the prayer time, Angela immediately shared with us that she had yet another testimony that happened while we were still praying. As she was thinking about how she would have enough money to get back to the States for a second year of school, her friend wrote and shared that they would be buying her plane ticket for her! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! We are getting the chance to witness that God is our good, good Father who provides all that we need.
Recently we have been asking God for different specific things. Each day, we are asking for 70+ people to come into the Ximen cafe. We are asking for people who want to get baptized and join a leadership class in the church. And we are asking for 2 new Envision interns to join our team this fall. Recently, when the cafe has been especially busy, Cloud turns and asks Sarah, “Did you pray this morning?” It has been fun to watch how our numbers in the cafe have been growing, especially on the days that Sarah, or others remember to pray for the 70 to come in! We are trusting that God will continue to answer our other requests as well! His will, and His Kingdom first!