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The Aroma

Meet Angela


Justin and I have known Angela about as long as we’ve lived in Taipei. It’s was really fun and encouraging getting to know her even more this summer and I’m so excited to share her story with you!

One day after school, Angela went to her friend’s church for an event they were having. At this event, they were also having a meal. What middle schooler is going to turn down free food?!

Well, by the time they got there, the meal was done and the food was gone. Even still, the pastor’s wife bought them some food and offered to let them stay and hang out at the church. After some time, Angela started going to the church quite frequently to study and do homework after school.

Like many kids in middle school, Angela would sometimes disagree and fight with her parents. After one particular incident, Angela left her home and headed to the church. She was hoping to talk with the pastor’s wife, but she wasn’t there. Instead, Angela ended up spending time with her classmate’s mother. They spent time chatting, and she even taught Angela a worship song!

Angela told me it was in middle school that she started believing in God, but she laughed when she told me,

“But I didn’t know Him well.”

Like many Taiwanese high school students, Angela was BUSY! She didn’t have much time outside of school to explore her new faith, and she didn’t attend church.

When Angela started college, she needed a job. She had applied to a few places, but either didn’t hear back or the place didn’t have any openings at the time. One day when Angela was in Ximen, she found Aroma. She started chatting with the baristas a bit and decided to ask the manager (our friend, Miki, at the time!) if she could work there. She interviewed with Miki and was offered the job in about a week. Talk about perfect timing!

After a few months of working in the coffee shop, Angela started coming to church on Sundays. In 2014, she was baptized and dove head first into learning everything she could about what it means to be a Christian. She studied the Bible, joined small groups, and even joined the worship team (if you haven’t heard her sing yet, you should)!

Angela kept working in the cafe and remained a part of Aroma church until this summer when she moved to California.

Angela is currently doing a one year program at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Going to BSSM was a difficult decision for Angela. Her parents weren’t totally on board, and didn’t understand why she wanted to leave Taiwan. Her parents aren’t Christians, and it was very hard to explain to them the reasons for her decision, but despite that, Angela kept her eyes on God and followed where He led. Even though they don’t fully get it, they love their daughter and her parents accept her decision.

I’m so excited to see what God does in and through Angela this year, and to see what He has next for her! If you think about it, please say a prayer for Angela right now:

Pray that she falls more and more in love with God during her time at Bethel.Pray that she adjusts well to American culture and life in California.Pray that she hears clearly from God on what’s next.Pray for her family who are not Christians yet, and pray for their relationship to stay strong.

Angela is raising support for her rent and living expenses while in California; if you’d like to contribute, you can learn more here.

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