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“I have decided to follow Jesus”

The Aroma

Do you remember last year when we wrote about Andrew, a cafe employee who joined our team last summer during our Ximen shop’s transition? Andrew gave his life to Jesus almost one year ago; last April. He’s growing and learning a lot… In fact, his interest and desire to dive into his walk with Christ gave us the idea to extend an opportunity to him. Early this year Andrew officially became our church intern. What this means is that he helps us with projects and events, serves the church in many capacities, and learns what it’s like to walk people in our community through life with Christ.

Andrew has quickly become a huge part of our community. It’s hard to imagine him NOT in it!

We’ve watched Andrew overcome much. One example of this is his struggle to follow Christ while also honoring his family. Honor is deeply rooted in Taiwanese culture and so you can understand his dilemma. He had desired to be baptized several months before, but when his family found out they threatened to kick him out of his home. With Holy Spirit guiding, we spent time with Andrew, trying to wrestle with what the Lord wanted him to do and how he could respect his parents. This struggle finally came to an end one week when God met Andrew in his kitchen. It was there that he heard a clear call to take a leap of faith and trust that God would work on his parents hearts.

Just a few weeks ago Andrew made a public declaration for his faith in front of our church community (plus many new friends!) and was baptized. And so we rejoice!

It’s always a good thing when someone new joins God’s family, but it is so, so special when you get to walk alongside that person in so many aspects of life and experience the journey with them!

We aren’t sure what God’s plans are for the rest of Andrew’s family… but we have confidence that God has good plans, and we wait in anticipation, ready to be used by Him.

Congratulations, Andrew!

Used with permission from our friends and colleagues over at

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